Announcing the Most Exciting Event: The World Wide Movement to Forgive!
August 3rd, 2008 11am EST and 1pm EST.
An Invitation to Join People All Over the World
in 2 Guided Synchronized meditations.
Honoring the 12th Anniversary of the International Day of Forgiveness.
About a year ago roughly, an idea came to me seemingly out of the blue. And idea that wouldn’t leave.
What if great numbers of people would connect on the same day and at the same time focusing together on one singular issue: Forgiving the past and letting go of it once and for all?
What an enormously powerful healing experience would that be.
Because when many people come together joined by a singular intent the power and the effectiveness of this intent is exponentially increased.
Just think about. We have so many examples of what the energy generated by a mass movement can do. On both ends of the spectrum. That’s how all revolutions, all liberation movements, all uprisings have always began. Even right now, in the United States, with the presidential election campaign gathering momentum, every successful appearance of the presidential candidate has the potential power to create an internal change in everyone listening. If people are inspired and uplifted their mood raises, changing from hopelessness to hope, from fear to a new vision.
Why can’t we use this very principle to help ourselves heal the painful experiences of the past, so that they no longer color our experience of the present? So that we can finally let go of our various destructive patterns? Everyone has them to some degree. Many still live prisoners to their past, reliving it over and over again, acting it out in their every day lives, not realizing that they are the only ones with the key to unlock that prison and that it is up to them to use that key.
Because if it is up to our offenders, then we are really stuck. What if they couldn’t care less? What if they are dead? What if they don’t even remember?
And that’s how my idea became a vision. I followed that vision and it expanded and became its own force:
The International Day of Forgiveness is celebrating its 12th Anniversary! What a grand opportunity for all of us to join together in a powerful forgiveness meditation, forgiving our past and sending the wave of healing energy to every corner of the world, bringing change, bringing hope, bringing new possibility!
I created a 45 minute Video Webinar explaining the controversy around forgiveness, talking about the many misconceptions about it and why it is our only saving grace. I can write an entire book about it and probably will one day. 45 minutes of the video barely scratches the surface and yet – it is enough. Enough for now.
And I put all of it on my new website or
In addition to the video, I have recorded two guided forgiveness meditations - to forgive yourself and to forgive another – for streaming and downloading, (my gift to you so you can also use them in the future, any time you are drawn to do them.) You can access the meditation download page here or on my website It is all there.
Why the meditations? Because often the easiest and the most elegant way to forgive is a meditative way.
I did all this so everyone interested in giving Forgiveness a try can watch the video, think about what I am saying and make their own choice. And if the choice is yes – here is THE MOST EXCITNG NEWS OF ALL:
ON August 3rd, at 11 am Eastern (New York) Time and again at 1pm Eastern (New York) Time
we will all do it TOGETHER!
If you are reading this now – then – this news is for you. If you are moved to forward this blog – then this news is also for the ones that will receive it.
Trust your call. Forward the news. Let’s create this huge wave of energy! It has already began and is now spreading everywhere, to the most unexpected places.
Everybody carries pain in their hearts. Some more of it, others less, but all of us do. Let us heal as much as we can, so that there is less pain in the world. So that we are free to live the lives we have always dreamed of and have been destined to live.
Imagine being one with the great numbers of people all focusing on forgiving and letting go at the same time.
Imagine being part of a huge wave of energy moving through the planet, bringing the tears of forgiveness to the farthest corners of the world . Exponentially increasing the opportunity for healing and change for everyone.
Would you like to be part of this movement? To heal what’s still causing you pain? To heal what you’ve deemed “unforgivable” in yourself and in others? Something you were unable to let go of it or didn’t believe you could?
And now imagine a life free from pain. No skeletons to haunt you in the night, no demons from the past showing up unannounced, robbing you of your dreams in the last minute, no successes undone before your very eyes…A fantasy or a true possibility? An impossible dream or something that can be achieved?
There are people living this life already. How did they get there? They have found a way to let go of their past. They have forgiven themselves – and they have forgiven others.
Would you like to join me and so many others as we heal the past, forgive what has not yet been forgiven and set ourselves free?
Too good to be true? Try it anyway! What have you got to lose?
The old baggage, the weight of the past, all the reasons for “why not”… Any day is a good day to be done with them. Remember: The time to be free is always NOW.
And let us share our stories with each other. Let’s create a forum right here, on this blog. Write about your experience. Share your thoughts. Write now, and write again later, after you’ve meditated and forgave on August 3rd.
Expect your life to be different. Expect the change. And share what you can with us. Let’s all be each other’s inspiration!
"Don't be a realist. Our world needs dreamers. Be an incurable optimist. And see your reality change. See it change beyond what you can imagine."
- Auriela McCarthy
To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy
- Auriela McCarthy
To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy

Monday, July 21, 2008
An Invitation to Join People All Over the World in 2 Guided Synchronized meditations.
Copyright 2007 to Present, Auriela McCarthy at 4:56 PM
Labels: Forgiveness, Forgiveness Meditation
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