"Don't be a realist. Our world needs dreamers. Be an incurable optimist. And see your reality change. See it change beyond what you can imagine."
- Auriela McCarthy

To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy

Monday, August 17, 2009

Conversation with Steve Sisgold, "What's Your Body Telling You?"

Hello, everyone, here is this week’s Radio Show

Conversation with Steve Sisgold, the author of What’s Your Body Telling You?

Tools to reduce anxiety and to develop self-trust.

- ”Life is not meant to be an out of body experience”
- paying attention, reading the signals
- tuning into your body on a regular basis and the difference it will make in your life
- the “fact or fiction?” question. Teaching yourself when to ask it; developing a habit
- responding to hunches, following your intuition
- the meaning of BQ as opposed to IQ
- the amazing story of meeting the Dalai Lama in India


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