"Don't be a realist. Our world needs dreamers. Be an incurable optimist. And see your reality change. See it change beyond what you can imagine."
- Auriela McCarthy

To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Opening Yourself to Your Light Shadow.

This week, Auriela's online Radio Show covers the following topics:

-two ways to live a life: “one - as if nothing is a miracle
and another – is if everything is a miracle” (Einstein.)

Making a choice to live as if everything in your life is a miracle
whether you understand it or not.

-becoming aware of your impact on others at all times
-an easy and very cool 5-minute technique to do at the end of each day
to ensure a restful sleep and a flow of miracles into your life.
The result will astound you. It will feel so easy you will
want to discount it. Don’t.

-Being conscious of the company you keep:

-Being in control of what you can control: your environment, not other people or the world
-Surrounding yourself with optimistic, positive people and
staying away from other people’s negativity
-refusing to feel helpless

-understanding your Light Shadow: accepting (and not shrinking) from your light
-a poignant and effective mediation to encounter and embrace your Light Shadow

This safe and incredibly powerful meditation will do wonders for your energy,
your ability to stay centered and present, and your ability to create - regardless of the external circumstances.

Do it and feel the difference.
Receive the love. Receive the magic!

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