"Don't be a realist. Our world needs dreamers. Be an incurable optimist. And see your reality change. See it change beyond what you can imagine."
- Auriela McCarthy

To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Deeper Look at How We Write the Scripts of Our Lives. Part One.

On this week's radio show, Auriela takes a deeper look at how we write the scripts of our lives.

Part One.

-the tools with which everyone on the planet creates their life
-looking at what you want to create and eliminating discordant voices
-understanding the role and the power of imagination in creating your reality
-expectation – the most intricate of the tools with which we create
-the difference between real expectation and the pumped up, false one

- examining your beliefs and attitudes to bring them in alignment with expectation
-your subconscious mind and its function as the guardian of consistency
-Replacing the beliefs that don’t serve you with the ones that do. Doing it in the subconscious mind

a powerful technique to strengthen and heal your ability to expect:

Strengthening your expectation by visualizing 4 particular colors.
These colors will trigger the flow of electromagnetic energy in your brain
that is particularly conducive to improving our ability to expect.

(Explanation, followed by meditation.)

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