It is good to come back to this ancient wisdom now and then, especially at times of a deep transformational experience, like the one so many had yesterday, on The International Day of Forgiveness, as they responded to the call and entered the deep inner world of guided meditations: Forgiving themselves and forgiving others – the ones they didn't think they could ever forgive.
The response to the meditations I created had been overwhelming! Beyond anything I could expect. Your emails continue to pour in. I am so very touched by the response. Thank you! Even through the night people from different time zones continued to download the meditations. I will keep them on for a while. Same with the Video, but not forever, so if you haven't yet downloaded them, now may be the time.
If you missed yesterday, don’t worry. Go to my website and download the meditations. They will be yours to use whenever you feel guided to do so.
So many people have told me that they would like to forgive but don’t know how. This is how: download the meditations, close the door, unplug the phone, dim the light, click on the meditation and close your eyes. The Force of Forgiveness will do the rest!
My husband and I did the meditations as well yesterday morning...After the second one I felt I needed to go to bed. I did. And I promptly fell asleep!. It was 12pm in California, I had a good night’s sleep and I didn’t feel I had a lot left to forgive:)...Right! Then why did I feel so tired suddenly? Because you can always go deeper, always lift out of more “stuff.” The stuff we gather while living our lives. It’s good to clean up. And as we do that, often there is a need to rest, to integrate the healing, the allow the physical body to catch up. A healing and restful sleep is a great way to do it!
So many of you have written to me with your heart-felt sharings. Thank you! I feel deeply honored.
What an amazing gift we give to ourselves when we forgive!
For me, yesterday ended on an incredibly high note. I spent an evening at the Forgiveness Day Celebration and heard the incredible stories of the true champions of forgiveness once again. I had the great fortune to interview 3 of these amazing women – Eva Korr, Julies Chimes and Jamie Karroll on my radio show on If you haven’t heard them, go and listen. Their spirit will inspire you beyond anything I can say here.
To quote Eva Korr: “Forgiveness is the best medicine. It is free. It has no side effects, and it works!”
Expect things to be different now. Perhaps, dramatically different, or – more likely – subtly so. The change you experienced was real, but if you expect the results to “knock you over the head” you stand the risk of disappointment. Let the change show itself in the way that is natural and organic. You will begin to notice how differently you react to things. How in the situations that used to drive you crazy, you now remain calm and neutral, unaffected by what in the past would have set you off. Pay attention and congratulate yourself when this happens. Own your power, own your success!
And also - be kind to yourself and don't expect to have done the forgiveness “perfectly.”
This is the ego’s favorite trap. Don’t fall for it. Recognize it for what it is and – don’t go there. Consciously refuse to listen to that voice in your head.
What voice?
The one that always lies. The one that leads you down the wrong path every time. The one that has destroyed so many of your successes and made sure you don’t get what you want, and if you do – never really enjoy it. That one.
And if you don't know what I am talking about, here is an example.
“You have just forgiven your father, didn’t you? How come you are seething with anger again, after only 10 minutes of talking to him on the phone?” “That forgiveness meditation obviously didn’t work. You shouldn't have bothered... It may work for other people but clearly not for you. Your situations is different, special.” Or: “you simply can’t do anything right, and that goes for the forgiveness as well. If you did forgive him, you wouldn’t have gotten angry again. You would not have reacted. Something is very wrong with you, and you know it...”
You get the picture.
We all have our favorite ways of putting ourselves down and undoing our achievements. And it is the voice of our negative ego that we listen to against our better knowledge, when we choose to go down that path one more time.
Do something different this time. Turn it off!
If you find yourself reacting when someone is provoking you again, catch yourself, take a deep breath, feel the anger and – let it go!. The fact that you have forgiven the past doesn't mean you are now made of stone and have no emotional body. You are human, my dear friend, not a sculpture. Cut yourself some slack. Sometimes – we forgive completely, other times – forgiveness happens in stages. It is a process, and it takes guts, will and making yourself matter.
The time will come when you will be strong enough to remove yourself from the environment and people that are toxic and cause you pain. Understanding where they come from, and what made them who they are today will make forgiving them completely more real and more attainable. As it happens – they will let go of trying to test you. They will leave your reality, for their role will be done and your lessons learned.
Because in truth, the only person who sets up those tests is you. Doubting the forgiveness, wondering if you did or did not pass the test. Take yourself off the hook!
If you can’t let go , return to the meditation and do it again. Everything is a choice! Eventually, you will get tired of this dance and drop it.
I have been so inspired by the response that I am considering creating more healing meditations for you to use. Watch my website and this blog. I will let you know.
The sales of The Power of the Possible have jumped again, and many stores have sold out of the book and are now waiting for the next delivery. But you can always buy the book from my website and also from Amazon. It is full if incredible true stories of transcendence, forgiving and happy endings:). The real life happy endings that happened to people like you and me, people who had once hit bottom, but chose to live and to love instead of drowning in their pain. The people who forgave.
I have one request: I would love for us to have a forum right here on this blog and share our experiences. Now, after the forgiveness meditations, is the perfect time. You always write to me personally, why not put your comments here and also learn what others are going through? I promise I will respond to you personally as well, ( I love getting your emails!) but it is so great to share! Who will be the first?
"Don't be a realist. Our world needs dreamers. Be an incurable optimist. And see your reality change. See it change beyond what you can imagine."
- Auriela McCarthy
To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy
- Auriela McCarthy
To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy

Monday, August 4, 2008
Before Enlightenment, Chop Wood, Carry Water. After Enlightenment – Chop Wood, Carry Water.
Copyright 2007 to Present, Auriela McCarthy at 11:49 AM
Labels: Eva Korr, Forgiveness
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I attended the 12th Annual International Forgiveness Day Awards with you yesterday and I want to thank you so much for inviting me. It was an incredible experience. From when the choir was warming up, to the speakers sharing their moments of forgiveness, to when we all joined in songs at at the closing, it was an empowering, a cleansing, and a truly wonderful experience.
I have been participating in guided meditations with various teachers for over 20 years now. This past weekend I listened to one of Auriela's guided meditations on Forgiveness and it was excellent.
The depth of content and the resonance of the words and imagery were powerful. I highly recommend these meditations for anyone who is ready to access the force of forgiveness in their lives. These meditations are wonderful opportunities to release the parts of the past that limit our ability to be fully present and powerful in the now. Check them out.
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