Please, join me at the first evening of the
School of Hope and Inspiration.
Here are the details:
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
7 pm – 9:30 pm
Please see my website The Power of The Possible for more details.
We will meet at a Sothern Marin location.
As soon as I hear from you, I will send you the address and directions.
You will need to have read Chapter One of The Power of the Possible:
What Can I Do to Get Him to Change? prior to the evening.
If you don’t have the book, you can get in on Amazon,
(used books are $4 and a little wear never hurts a book.)
or by going to
or at a local bookstore.
If you decide to come in the last minute and have not read Chapter One –
still come of courseJ, but you will want to catch up with the story afterwards.
Here is something to think about before next Tuesday.
Have you been fascinated with concept of The Law of Attraction,
yet found it difficult to apply in your life? Has is been a hit and miss success?
Do you become frustrated watching other people attract wonderful
things while you kept falling short and wondering what was wrong with you?
There is absolutely NOTHING that’s wrong with you.
And there is nothing wrong with The Law of Attraction.
But there is a reason why it hasn’t been working as well as you hoped it would.
The reason is explicit in the Law itself.
It is very hard if not impossible to think positive thoughts and
feel happy feelings on any consistent basis while the conditioning
of the past is still alive and active inside you.
This past needs to be healed. And the good news is – you can do it.
The not-so-good news (for some) is that you cannot skip this step. Not really.
And why would you want to?
Whatever losses and pain happened to you, they’ve also helped you to discover
your strengths and the courage to move on.
They will always be part of you. But they don’t have to define you.
And they don’t have to affect you now.
It is possible, truly possible to heal the pain, heal the past, to let it all go for real,
and to start living a life that will take your breath away.
It moves me more than I can find words to describe.
It’s what I live for. It’s what gets me out of bed every morning.
It is the reason and the inspiration for the School.
We are going to make it!
Every fiber of my being responds to that.
Hope for what’s Possible saved my life when my life was at its lowest point.
Hope made me keep looking and brought me to my path.
I always knew that it was possible to make Love and Life work.
I just didn’t know how.
And I wanted to make them work so much…
So much that I could taste it…
Pain could bring me to my knees, but as long as I was alive,
I kept imagining how it would look and feel one day...
One day, when I am free from it.
I didn’t have all the answers. Many of the answers I believed I had
had been wrong. But it didn’t stop me.
And then I discovered what today every teenager knows:
that the reason for everything that was happening in my life lay within myself.
Believe it or not, 22 years ago it wasn’t the every day jargon yet.
Even now, so many say these words too casually, without much thought
or understanding.
What does it really mean?
It means: good news!
It means – it is all in your hands.
This is not Pollyanna – it is the truth.
It took me 22 years to get where I am today. A long time and a bumpy road.
They say “the road to wholeness is always under constructionJ.”
Now the bumps are few and far in between. And they get smaller and smaller.
They are simply part of living on this planet.
I find myself less and less affected by them, by whatever it is that is happening
“out there.” Because first of all, I know there is no “out there” anyway,
and second, I know I am OK “in here.”
No external circumstances have the power to take this away.
It took me 22 years. Now it can take much much much less.
This is a different time. What used to take decades, now can take weeks,
or months, or happen instantly. It is all up to you.
How far you are willing to stretch your belief system?
What do you believe is possible for you?
( and if the answer is “not that much,” isn’t it good to know it?
Because this belief can be changed, and changed on the level of
the Subconscious mind, so that the change can stick.)
Before you can create something you want,
isn’t it valuable to find out why you don’t have it yet?
If it is love you want, let’s find out why it hasn’t been working.
If it is happiness that remains elusive, let’s discover why it is so.
Whatever it is – money, success, friends, your health…
whatever it is that is still missing, let’s find out why
and heal what stands in the way.
In my work with clients, I see extraordinary shifts happen right in front of my eyes.
People who are completely new to this work and have no “language” for it,
nor any knowledge of metaphysics, come to me armed with but one thing:
desire to make their life work better!
And their life-long blockages turn to dust.
Because they are making themselves matter.
This may be the most important decision in your life:
To make Yourself matter.
Don’t listen to the ego’s broken record, with its “as soon as I find time,
or as soon as I make the money I need, or as soon as I meet my “one and only…”
then I will give time to myself and make myself matter.
It will never happen. Change happens now, never in the future.
It happens with a choice. And then – with action.
Nothing is as exciting as Unraveling your own Mystery.
Actually, this is the Ultimate Human Drive. And once you discover it
for yourself -– wow! Get ready for a ride of your life!
If you don’t know it yet – just wait.
Say YES to yourself. Say it because you matter.
Stop here for a second and just feel these words:
You matter.
If you really let yourself feel it, the love that will flood in
will be overwhelming...
Then make a choice to allow the School to work for you.
And come.
So that step by step, the veil between you and clarity can begin to lift.
You will no longer feel that some things are beyond your control.
You will no longer feel as if you are all alone…
You will meet Yourself (perhaps for the first time) and discover your beauty.
You will forgive yourself and allow your Soul to heal.
And you will find your Empowerment.
You will learn amazing, life changing meditations.
You will learn extremely powerful and effective techniques of manifestation.
You will find your own answers to a lot of things.
And you will begin to live your life from a very conscious place…
And if that’s not enough – you will also learn how to consciously
(yes, consciously) create miracles.
See you on Tuesday, the 28th:).
With love and light,
"Don't be a realist. Our world needs dreamers. Be an incurable optimist. And see your reality change. See it change beyond what you can imagine."
- Auriela McCarthy
To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy
- Auriela McCarthy
To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy

Monday, April 27, 2009
The School of Hope and Inspiration Opens
Copyright 2007 to Present, Auriela McCarthy at 1:56 PM
Labels: School of Hope and Inspiration
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