"Don't be a realist. Our world needs dreamers. Be an incurable optimist. And see your reality change. See it change beyond what you can imagine."
- Auriela McCarthy

To visit Auriela's Website click here: Auriela McCarthy

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Who is the ME that is Running My Life?

Hello, dear friends,

A few announcements first:

Starting with February 15th, for six consecutive Tuesday evenings I will be teaching a course:

The Journey Back to Yourself: Your Journey Home

I will also teach this in New York City starting in March. The first introductory evening ( free) is on March 3d. Write to me for me details.

I have taken some time to get clear on this next step.
Let me describe what I have in mind the best I can, but in broad brush strokes.

* * *

Deep amid the vastness of All that YOU Are, there is a YOU who has all the answers, all the knowing and all the peace you have been seeking.

That You has always been there, every time you felt expansive, happy and free. Every time you were inspired and felt the immensity of what's Possible.

I want to help you return to that YOU. I want you to fall madly in love with that part of yourself, to surrender to its innate wisdom, and to let that YOU guide you forward.

This is the You that has the key to your passion, to your utmost, intimate heart's desire. That You does not long for anything... it is already full, complete and drunk with the adventure of life.

That You - is ALWAYS growing.

There have been times when you've felt it profoundly. And you loved it, and hoped it would never end...

But then you'd "lose" it and step back into your smaller self.
You would reach for the "familiar," for the "safe," even though in truth - you knew: that "safety" was false safety...

I want to help you reconnect to that very Real part of yourself consciously.

You are ready to go deeper now. Besides, right now as the years unfold, reuniting with that You becomes imperative.

This is life-changing work. The work that answers your quest for meaning. It is - your life-changing journey Home to Yourself.

(Read more about it in the Food for Thought below.)

* * *

The next two evenings,
Tuesday, the 2nd of February and Tuesday the 9th of February,
I will be teaching the Enneagram. Even if you are familiar with it, you will learn it like never before, and if you are not - you are in for a real treat!
Understanding the 9 different personality drives, discovering your own and - more importantly - learning how to apply this knowledge in your every day life way will make all the difference in the world!

It will also prepare you for the following course:

The Journey Back to Yourself

A School of Hope and Inspiration

Tuesday February 2nd, 2010
Gathering: 6:30PM -7PM
Class: 7PM - 9:30PM

RSVP for address and directions.
Classes are held in Southern Marin

email Auriela@AurielaMcCarthy.com
I appreciate if everyone RSVPs, so I know how many seats we need.
Please, be on time, we will start promptly at 7pm

Food for Thought

Who is the ME that is Running My Life?

You have most certainly noticed that too much of what used to work for us in the past does not anymore.

The smaller parts of you that "knew what to do," how to "handle" things - can't take you much further.

And that's good news.
Because the Real YOU, the True YOU is waiting.

That YOU not looking for security. It wants adventure.

It has the Trust that to the smaller you seems unfathomable.
Yet - when you live from that You - this level of trust in yourself is organic, the only thing you know...

In our world today,
The Two Paradigms of Being are coming face to face.

The Old Paradigm, in its death pangs, is fighting for survival at all cost. A bloody, tooth and nail battle.

The New Paradigm is not fighting at all. It is not its way. It just IS. It is already here. You can step into it any time or wait until the time is right.

It is pulling you in. It won't go away. It is the New Way.
In it - possibilities and future more incredible than anything you could ever imagine.

There are no maps to get there. The new maps are being made as we speak. By people who dare to make them.

We are not supposed "to go it alone." Ever.
At every step of your growth, as soon as you were ready, the guide, the teacher, to book, the mentor appeared.
Just like right now - you are leading this letter.

Look at your life. Focus on the areas where you are experiencing difficulties.
It may be just one small area, or - several areas, or for some - it may be all across the board.

Notice how you are trying to solve what's going on the way you always have. Desperately needing for things to change, and quickly. Like, for example:
  • "I need money right now! What do I do??!!!"
  • "He (or she) better change and soon, or - I am out the door!"
  • "I just don't know what to do anymore, I have tried everything and nothing is working!"
  • "I need answers here, I just can't go on like this...Somebody, give me the answers!"
  • "What's the point? My life is meaningless...I have no purpose..."

I can go on, but by now you have probably added your own thoughts to this desperate litany.

What's going on for everyone is this:

You cannot solve the problems the way you used to solve them in the past.

It simply does not work. If it does - it works short-term, like a band-aid, and soon - the problem returns, full force.

One way or another, all of us are being forced to face the same issue.

We must surrender our stubborn insisting on "getting our way," on "being right" in our opinions...

We must surrender our tremendous need
to always be in control and to know the outcome.

We are being asked to trust the Unknown.

If you stop here for a moment and think and feel about what you've just read and then imagine doing it... you will notice something happening in your body. A movement, a tightening, a spasm...

The fear. Not just the fear, the utter terror and dread at the very possibility of living without "the knowing" of what to expect... Yes, this is way too scary...

And now, take a breath and think again. Think about something else.
Do you really ever know what's to come? Do you really ever have that 100% certainty about your life? Do you?

No, you don't. No one does.

Here is an example:

The fear of loss always accompanies love.
You don't feel it always, but it is there, and now and then - it grips you hard. The deeper your love is, the deeper the fear of losing it.

I wrote about it in The Power of the Possible, in the Chapter: When Love is Not Enough, on p.p. 240 -245.....where I also gave some very effective ways of handling it.

You can handle this fear, but it will never go away completely. This fear is love's dark companion. It comes with it. But does it stop you from loving?

Sadly, for some of - it does.
You choose "the certainty" of not being hurt over the risks of what comes with being in love. It doesn't work, as you have discovered. Closing your heart, shutting down the flow of passion and the depth of feelings come with the price.
And the only "certainty" you do get is - the feeling that something is always missing.

What's the way out? How do we live without the need for this "certainty?"

We must learn to trust.

Trust who?

Trust YOURSELF. Trust You.
But which You? You have so many you(s) operating simultaneously.

You must learn to identify those parts of yourself, help some of them heal, make peace with the others, and discover the bigger YOU who is so expansive and free and unafraid, it will take your breath away.

That bigger YOU needs to get into the driving seat of your life.
All the other you(s) need to be given the relief papers.

"...But Auriela, how can I do it? What if it won't work? What if I lose everything? What if...?" "What if...?" I need to KNOW!!!! Before I let go and trust....!

And this is precisely where the pain is.

WHO needs to know?
WHO cannot trust?
The parts of you who long ago learned that in order to survive they need to be in control of things. The younger parts of you, that are still alive inside, and are still active.

Those 'you(s)' learned to suppress the innate wisdom and knowing the bigger YOU always had. Trusting yourself became "unsafe." Controlling life and people became a must.
It never worked of course.

And if you are honest with yourself and care to look back, you will see that every time your life did work it was because you didn't act out of these other you(s) and let the bigger YOU take the lead.

We have a saying: "There is Light at the end of the tunnel." And that's true.

We have all entered the tunnel.
And it is dark, and winding and uncomfortable as all get out. And we must keep moving forward if we ever want to get to the other side.

The light that shines from the other side is illuminating all the dark places in us and pulling them out into the open - to be seen, heard, loved and healed.
This light that will accept nothing less.

So come along. Join me on this adventure.

If you are not living in the Bay Area, in March I am starting to teach in New York City as well. The first introductory evening ( free) is on March 3d. Write to me for me details.

All for now,

With Love and Light,

Auriela McCarthy is the author of an Award- Winning book The Power of the Possible, a book of Hope and Inspiration. The book's multiple Awards include the 2008 USA National Best Book's Awards Finalist, Reader's Views Award and Mom's Choice Award. A modern day mystic, with both her feet planted deeply in the common sense, Auriela is a spiritual teacher, a metaphysician and a relationship expert. She hosts a radio show The Power of the Possible available 24/7 globally, ( see links above.) Auriela is the Founder of the School of Hope and Inspiration and is writing her next book. She lives in California with her husband Mykaell.


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